Friday, May 27, 2016

Chevys "Fresh Mex" Doesn't Apply to their Crispy Tacos

Time for another crispy taco review!

I was talked into going to Chevys Fresh Mex down in Elk Grove on Laguna.  Well, as long as I was there, I decided to sample their crispy tacos as part of South Sac Blog's Search for the Best Crispy Tacos.  I wish I hadn't. 

To be the best, a crispy fried taco must be, well, freshly fried.  The crunchy taco at Chevys isn't freshly fried for you.  It tastes like a step up from Taco Bell's hard shell taco.  So much so that I asked the waiter if the taco shells were made fresh there, or taken out of the box.  He admitted they were prepackaged.  How this can be sold at a restaurant that claims it is "Fresh Mex" is beyond me.  If you went to a grocery store and saw two kinds of boxed taco shells, one cheap, and the other costing a little more, I think what I ate would be from the box costing a little more.  A little better quality, but hey, still out of a box. 

I ordered the two combo dinner with a crunchy beef taco and tamale - that comes with rice and beans as shown below.  The price for that plate is about $13 as I recall.  You can get better deals at smaller taquerias in South Sac. 

Notice the crack in my taco as it came out:

You would think who ever spooned in the filling would have noticed that and prepared another shell.  So much for quality control.

Another thing that bothered me about the taco was the lack of meat in the filling.  Take a look:

What you see stuffed inside the taco is mostly the lettuce, tomato and onions.  Very little meat as you can really see from the picture below:

I won't be ordering crunchy tacos at Chevys again.  I would rate what I ordered slightly below the hard shell taco at Super Tacos.  That's because there wasn't much filling inside. 

But I would order some other things.  For instance I've always enjoyed Chevys' chili rellenos.  I also enjoy the salsa that comes with the chips and salsa. 

The bottom line is this:  In the search for the best crispy taco in South Sac, Taco Fresco Burgers & Fries is still Numero Uno! 

Where to next?

Vineyard Community Planning Advisory Council Meets June 7, 2016

The South Sacramento "Vineyard Community Planning Advisory Council" will meet on Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., at:
Heritage Peak Charter School
8065 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Suite 160
Sacramento, CA 95829

The agenda is here. 


Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Game of Life and How to Play It – Chapter 2

By Amber (supreme happiness) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

So I began reading an old classic, entitled, The Game ofLife and How to Play It, by Florence Scovel Shinn.  It’s a kind of self-help book written in 1925.  In Chapter 1, Shinn mentions that most of us take life to be a struggle, or “battle.”  But she says that is untrue.  Life is a game, with rules.  But those rules are not taught at home or in school.  Yet learning these rules is essential if you want to experience true happiness and success.

As I did before, I provide notice here that Shinn was a Christian spiritualist, who quoted from the Bible to make her points.  I provide those Biblical references in these reviews. 

The first rule, taken from Chapter 1, is that life is a game of giving and receiving.  But the game originates in your mind.  You must learn to see clearly in your mind your goals and the good you would like to accomplish.  This includes removing all mental images of negativity, or evil.   In other words, learn how to visualize yourself achieving your goals.  You can read my review of Chapter 1 here.  Since The Game of Life was  first published in 1925, a lot has been written about the power of visualization.  You can find numerous sources on the internet, and many other books on the subject. 

In Chapter 2, Shinn introduces us to the “Law of Prosperity.”  All of the things we receive do not originate from our employers or the government, but from God.  God is the ultimate supplier of everything that is good.  God is our supply, and this is true for every situation or need.  If you look around South Sacramento, however, you will undoubtedly notice that many people do not have all that they want, or even all that they need.  There is lack, limitation, poverty, and unhappiness.  So is Shinn wrong?

Shinn’s answer would be that lack occurs when people don’t apply the correct Biblical principles to prayer.  It is true that Jesus is quoted in the Bible as saying: "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”  Matthew 7:7.   But Shinn reminds us that Jesus gave specific direction for how to ask.  She quotes Matthew 21:22:
“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”
Here then is another rule for the Game of Life.  When you ask for something in prayer, you must believe that you already received it.  If you can’t truly believe it, you can act like you already received it.  You can do this by taking actions of preparing for the outcome.  If you pray for success, but prepare for the worst as if that is what you actually expect, you will likely experience failure.  You should visualize yourself actually receiving your good.  Utilize your feeling nature, too.  How would you feel if you received a promotion?  How would you feel if you made that great sale?  How would you feel if you won a competition?  Can you feel that way although the good has not yet materialized?

Prepare for whatever it is that you ask for, regardless of the outward appearances!  Ignore thoughts that you have no idea how your goal will be accomplished, or how you will receive the good that is your divine right.  Leave that up to the universe.   Shinn provides another Biblical reference.   
“Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.”  John 4:35.
Shinn closes with another Bible verse:
Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.”  Matthew 18:19. 
Shinn explains that you may get too involved with your affairs and not think clearly, or become discouraged.  Therefore you may want to confide in someone about your prayers and goals.  That person should be one who you trust, and believes in your potential.  A kind of prayer partner, or spiritual advisor.  That person will help you when your faith begins to waiver.

I’m keeping this review short, because the chapters and the entire book are short.  The two primary rules for playing the game of life we have learned so far are these:  1) Visualize your goals and remove all mental images of doubt and failure from your mind; and 2) when you pray, believe that your prayers have been answered, and prepare for that outcome.

Shall we give it a try?    

Monday, May 23, 2016

The Game of Life and How to Play It - Chapter 1

By Camdiluv ♥ from ConcepciĆ³n, CHILE - Colours, CC BY-SA 2.0,

So someone recommended a book to me called, The Game of Life and How to Play It, by Florence Scovel Shinn.  It was first published in 1925.  It has been republished many times and is available on Amazon – new and used – for just a few dollars.

According to Wikipedia, Shinn was an American artist and book illustrator who became a spiritual teacher and metaphysical writer.  Shinn expressed her philosophy as:

The invisible forces are ever working for man who is always ‘pulling the strings’ himself, though he does not know it. Owing to the vibratory power of words, whatever man voices, he begins to attract.
So according to Shinn, life is a game.  But most of us just never learn the rules.  That’s why people are depressed, live in poverty, and never realize their full potential.

The book is a short and easy read.  The edition I purchased from Amazon is only 77 pages.  So I’ll quickly review the chapters as I read them.

Being a spiritualist, Shinn quotes from the Bible quite a bit, particularly teachings attributed to Jesus Christ.  So be prepared.

In Chapter 1, Shinn asserts that Jesus Christ taught that life was a great game of Giving and Receiving.  I thought instantly of the Golden Rule:  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  Matt. 7:12.  She cites Galatians 6:7:  “[W]hatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

From these principles we learn that if you hate, you will receive hate.  If you lie, you will be lied to.  If you judge others, then you will be judged.  So to play the Game of Life well, practice kindness to others, love one another, be truthful, thoughtful, considerate, and give generously.

Shinn takes the Golden Rule one step further.  She writes that it is not just your actions that count, but your thoughts and imaginations.   In other words, what you think will eventually manifest in the material world.  Imagine suffering, and you will see suffering, maybe even experience it.  Think about germs and getting sick, and you are likely to come down with a cold.  Think about crime, and you are likely to get robbed.

So to play the Game of Life, you must train your mind to image only good things – health, wealth, love, friends, joy, the expression of your highest ideas.  Shinn explains that your mind has three departments:  the subconscious, the conscious, and the superconscious.

The subconscious mind is like a machine or computer that does everything it is programmed to do.  Program it for failure, and you will fail at what you set out to do.  It is programmed by your deep emotions and what you clearly image.  I might add that our subconscious minds are being programmed all the time by what we think, feel, watch on TV, etc.

The conscious mind is what you use to perceive the physical world.  Your conscious mind does not ordinarily see truth, but the illusion of the world presented to you as sickness and lack.

The superconscious mind is God’s mind within you.  You can recognize this mind in you when you have great ideas that seem unattainable, or too good to be true.   Then your ego (which is not you) may kick in to tell you why that goal is impossible for you.  For instance because you are unworthy, too stupid, too poor, or other reasons.

To begin aligning yourself with the superconscious, or God’s mind and purpose, you can reject the ego and maintain those lofty ideas and images in your mind.  Instead of telling yourself why something is impossible, tell yourself mentally and out loud that it is possible, and that it is occurring right now!  

Shinn quotes Mathew 7:7:  “Ask, and it shall be given you, seek, and ye shall find, knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”  

So the first rule of the Game of Life is to see clearly in your mind your goal and the good you would like to accomplish, and remove all mental images of negativity, or evil.  Shinn ends with an affirmation on the last page of Chapter 1, which I can’t quote because of copyright laws.  The purpose of the affirmation is to make your subconscious mind do a data-dump of the negative programmed thoughts in it right now.  You’ll just have to pick up a copy of the book to get the affirmation.

So I wish I knew a study group interested in spending a couple of weeks getting together to discuss this book and put Shinn’s ideas into practice.  Since I don’t, I’ll just study it by myself and summarize the chapters.  

I’m imagining good things for South Sac and everyone that works and resides here.  I hope you are too.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Galt Strawberry Festival

The South Sac Crew ventured to Galt for the Strawberry Festival today - just a few minutes from South Sac down on Hwy 99.  We didn't find many strawberries, but we did find lots of tacos, corn dogs, and even Spiritual Enlightenment.

There were rows and rows of food vendors.

Corn Dogs

Funnel Cakes

Meat being grilled

A few stands with Strawberry goods - but not many

Lots of stands selling soft tacos (but not crispy fried)

 Corn on the cob (it was there a minute ago)

A Classic Car show - here are the two winners in my opinion

One booth even offered us Spiritual Enlightenment

All in all, not a bad way to spend a couple of dollars.  Admission was $6.00 at the door for adults. The weather was great - partly cloudy and mild.  I was surprised that there wasn't a lot of strawberry related items, but there was lots of other food.  There were some rides for your kids, too.

Now we're waiting for the next set to start.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Yes, Another Cool South Sac Bike Commute Video

Is it still Bike Month?

Here's a cool video from YouTube (taken with permission) showing a morning bike commute in the wee early hours.  Up Power Inn Road if I am not mistaken.

Keep them coming!

Who's Your Sacramento County Supervisor?

Do you know who represents you on the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors?

Assuming you care, here is an easy way to find out.  Go to this page on the Sacramento County website and simply input your address.  You will then be taken to the home page for your supervisor.

Find your Supervisor.

If you live way down here in forgotten South Sac, your supervisor is . . . ?

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Next Board of Supervisors Meeting Is Tuesday 5/24/2016

The next Sacramento County Board of Supervisors Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday May 24, 2016, from 9:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

It will be in the Board Chambers at 700 H Street, Suite 1450, Sacramento, CA 95814.

I don't see an agenda, which should be posted here:  Tuesday Board Meeting Agendas

Can't make it?  Watch here:  Board Supervisors Meeting Live

South Sacramento Community Planning Advisory Council

Make Your Voice Heard

Next South Sacramento CPAC Meeting is today – May 18, 2016 at 6: 30 p.m. in the Sheriff Community Room 7000, 65th Street, Suite B, Sacramento, CA 95823. 

Interested in having “a say” in the projects going forward in South Sacramento?  Then maybe you should attend a meeting of the South Sacramento Community Planning Advisory Council (South Sacramento CPAC). 

Generally, CPACs were created in the unincorporated County to facilitate and encourage direct citizen participation early in the planning process when it’s supposed to be easier for the project proponents and decision-makers to respond to public concerns.  CPACs gather community responses to proposed projects.

What kind of projects?  These can range from broad policy questions that apply countywide, to small development projects of only local interest.  Entitlements reviewed include General Plan and Zoning Code amendments to plans, zoning matters and use permits.

What goes on during a CPAC meeting?  During a typical meeting, the people advocating for a project will make a presentation to members of the particular CPAC and the members of the public who attend.   The council will ask questions and express any of their concerns.  Then, members of the public will be asked for input on the project.  General public response/specific concerns are recorded in the CPAC minutes and forwarded to Planning and Environmental Review for inclusion in staff reports.

CPACs are advisory only and do not make final decisions. CPAC recommendations and neighborhood input, however, are carefully weighed by the final decision-making bodies.  The public can provide input directly to any subsequent hearing body that takes final action through letters or public testimony during the hearing.

The members of the South Sacramento CPAC are Burke Lucy, Todd Lambert, Orga Pacheco, and John Newman.

Next South Sacramento CPAC Meeting is today – May 18, 2016 at 6: 30 p.m. in the Sheriff Community Room 7000, 65th Street, Suite B, Sacramento, CA 95823. 

The other action is a request to extend the expiration date fora Tentative Subdivision Map to divide approximately 65.4 acres into 384 lots in the RD-10, RD-7, and RD-5, and O zones approximately 1,000 feet south of Florin Road on the west side of Elk Grove Florin Road in the South Sacramento.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Super Taco - Crispy Taco Review

In the search for the best crispy fried taco in South Sac, a place called "Super Taco" just begs for a review.  I went there and the results can be summed up as follows:  While Super Taco has a lot going on for it, in my opinion, a crispy fried taco is not one of them.

Super Taco has a couple of locations, I think three in South Sac and one in Elk Grove.  I went to the one at 8347 Elk Grove Florin Road, in the Calvine Shopping Center.

Among its extensive menu, Super Taco has items listed simply as Tacos, and Super Tacos (they also offer soft shell mini-tacos, which are not in the category of crispy fried tacos and so were not ordered).  After confirming that each had a crispy shell, I ordered both two regular tacos and one super taco.  Actually, you can order the regular taco in a soft corn tortilla, or a hard shell.  The young lady at the counter assured me that the hard shell was fried there.  After placing my order I noticed that Super Taco is very spacious inside.  I found an available booth by the window.  The interior was clean and the A/C kept the temperature pleasantly cool.

First, the regular crispy tacos.  I ordered one with shredded chicken and the other with shredded beef. They were presented nicely with lettuce, sliced tomato, and grated cheese on top.

Upon close inspection, though, they looked a lot like Taco Bell tacos with perfectly formed shells, as if they came out of package.  I do believe they started out as regular corn tortillas here, and then were fried.  I just don't think their corn tortillas were made fresh, or were freshly fried especially for me - like at Taco Fresco Burgers & Fries.

The topping was also rather pedestrian, something you would find at Taco Bell - iceberg lettuce, chopped tomato, and grated cheese.  No special salsa, cilantro, quacamole, etc., although they do have a sauce station where you can grab some for your complimentary chips.

Upon even closer inspection, these tacos were uninspiring, even laughable, - in my humble opinion - when compared to the incredible crispy fried tacos at Taco Fresco, or the great Cactus Taqueria  down in the Bay Area. I would only rate these tacos as a step up from Taco Bell, only because of the filling. The shredded chicken and beef were good.  However, not as good as the nice filling in the somewhat disappointing crunchy taco at Flako's.  Here;s another look at Super Taco's regular hard shell tacos:

Fortunately for Super Taco, that's not the end of the story.  Let's move on to the super taco.  This is in a category all by itself, because it's a taco in a crunchy flour tortilla, not corn.  Check it out:

This is the super taco plate that comes with rice and frijoles.  I thought this idea is different.  I don't know how they prepared the flour tortilla to give it that crunch - whether it was lightly fried or baked. I will admit that I found it to be rather good.  I would consider ordering it again if I happened to return to Super Taco.  But I see no reason to order their regular taco in a hard shell.  You might as well just go to Del Taco.  

A couple of other pros for Super Taco.  Again, I should mention that it's clean, roomy, has a bar with a couple of big screen TVs, and it's really comfortable to just hang out there.  There's plenty of other Mexican food items and plates on the menu, too.  This review has been limited to crunchy tacos.

The complimentary chips and salsa are also nice.

Okay, let's end this review.  I would have to rate the regular crunchy tacos here last so far, behind Flako's, and way behind Taco Fresco Burgers & Fries.  There's some qualifiers, though.  Taco Fresco's crunchy tacos only come with the fish and shrimp filling (I think - I'm planning another excursion there to verify).  And Super Taco's crunchy flour taco deserves favorable mention, but it is not the fresh crispy fried taco that we're looking for.  Good people of South Sac, these reviews are all for entertainment purposes only, and are based solely on my own opinion.

So there you have it.  Taco Fresco took the early lead in South Sac Blog's search for the best crispy fried tacos in South Sac, and holds on to it!  Where to next?

Monday, May 16, 2016

The Amazing Crispy Tacos at Taco Fresco Burgers & Fries!

Our search for the best crispy tacos in South Sac took us to Taco Fresco Burgers & Fries (Taco Fresco).  The review can be summed up this way:  Taco Fresco rocks! 

Taco Fresco is located at 8168 Florin Road (near Power Inn Road).

Taco Fresco has the appearance of an old-style drive-up burger joint.  Before drive-thrus, were invented, you would park your car and order your food at the walk-up take-out window.  You could also order at the counter inside.  Taco Fresco is located in one of those old style burger joint buildings.  It was a nice sunny day and one of our crew said eating there reminded her of Florida.  Go figure.  Anyway, everyone agreed the place has character and is cool.  Seating inside is individually at the window, or at a few tables for couples and groups.  There is also seating outside.

I knew immediately that Taco Fresco was special.  That's because one of the first things I noticed once inside was one of the ladies working there making fresh corn tortillas.  I started salivating even before I placed my order.  Since the purpose of this adventure is to find the best crispy tacos, we ordered the two on the menu:  Crispy Fried Shrimp or Fish tacos.  Their menu has a good selection of other things, but those are the two crunchy tacos. 

The two tacos were fantastico.  As you can tell from the pictures, their freshly made tortillas puff up when they are fried.  They are light and crunchy, and wonderfully compliment the fish or shrimp filling.  Each has good portions of shrimp or fish - they are good deals and you really get your money's worth.  The fish tacos have a small topping of red cabbage to give it some more crunch.  They don't have a fishy taste either.  The tacos each have a topping of some kind of creamy sauce that is only mildly spicy.  But they come with a side order of their own sauce that is very spicy so you can add as much heat as you like.  I seriously can't wait to go back. 

My only criticism - if you could call it that - is the fried puffy tortillas may only be available for the shrimp and fish fillings.  At least according to the menu.  I'll have to go back and ask (and order more tacos).  One of the South Sac crew also ordered a breakfast burrito with chorizo.  It was good.  Breakfast burritos are a whole other category so we're not going down that road in this review.  It's mentioned here just to let you know that Taco Fresco has several things on their menu. 

So Taco Fresco Burgers and Fries takes a big early lead in the search for the best crispy taco in South Sac.  But there is a caveat.  They take the lead for the best fried fish and shrimp tacos.  Beef? Chicken? Pork? Steak?  Taco Fresco convinces me that there are even different categories for crispy tacos.  The search continues.  Where to next?