Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Sac County Ordinance: Dogs Must Be On A Leash!!

By U.S. Air Force Photo by Josh Plueger. Postwork by Dove (Derivative work from) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Do you see dogs running around without a leash in your neighborhood here in South Sac?  They pee and poop all over your yard, mark your car's tires and create havoc.  Sometimes big dogs harass smaller dogs, real dog walkers, or pedestrians.  It's common to see people walking in South Sac carrying golf clubs or just big sticks for protection.  The people who allow their dogs to run loose - besides being inconsiderate - are breaking the law!!!

The Sacramento County document titled Animals (Title 8) covers everything about animal control, including rabies, permits, vicious animals, and cats. The section below (8.08.056) is information pertaining to dogs off-leash.

Definition of AT LARGE: "At large" means an animal off the premises of its owner and either: a) not under the control and in the immediate presence of the owner, or b) if a dog or a cat, not under physical restraint. (SCC 0815 § 2, 1990; SCC 304 § 4, 1977; Ord. 1053 § 7, 1969).

8.08.056 DOGS AT LARGE.

No person shall permit or suffer a dog to stray from private property owned or legally possessed by the dog owner or the person who has a right to control the dog unless the dog is restrained by a leash or lead not exceeding eight feet in length, except in the following situations:

1) When the dog is assisting a peace officer who is engaged in law enforcement duties or when the dog is participating in a search and rescue effort at the specific request of a law enforcement authority;

2) When the dog is enrolled in and actually participating in a dog training or obedience course, exhibition, or competition conducted by an organization or private or public property with the permission of the owner or operator of the grounds or facilities;

3) When the dog is assisting the owner of person in charge of livestock in the herding or control of such livestock; or

4) When the dog is accompanying and under the direction of a person engaged in hunting on land which is within a restricted shooting district as defined in Section 9.40.060 of the Sacramento County Code.

The question is do you want to confront your neighbors and create hate and discontent, or just call animal control and see if they ever show up.

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