Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sac County Citizens Academy - Indoctrination of the Masses?

Your Sacramento County government offers something called the Citizens Academy.  Is this some kind of Commie re-education camp?  The County's mission is to provide "information and resources," "mutual learning," "critical analysis of issues," and "exchange of ideas and perspectives."  A mutual exchange of ideas?  Seriously?  In my experience, the government's attitude is "my way, or the highway" and "resistance is futile." 

Interested spring-butts and ass kissers may volunteer to attend the 10 week propaganda session and become indoctrinated about the criminal justice system by participating in touchy-feely stuff like diversity and race issues.  Here are the classes: Multicultural Sensitivity in the Criminal Justice System; Race as a Factor in the Criminal Justice System; and Perceptions of Disparate Treatment in the Criminal Justice System.

Check the county website for more Citizens Academy Information and the brochure.   

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